There are three components to the DreamRoads program:
1. Curriculum and Coaching
Inquiry and assessment are the foundation of the DreamRoads Curriculum. Students move through a set of lessons and activities designed to explore elements of their DREAMS:
The key to DreamRoads’ success is its unparalleled Personal Coaching. More than mentors, DreamRoads Coaches are specially-trained to support the exploration and development of each student’s unique dreams, interests, and talents.
Each student’s learnings from the curriculum, from their experiences in and out of school, and the insights gained from personal coaching come together to form a detailed Personal Profile. Their Profile is a dynamic document students constantly refine as they come to know themselves and their plans for their future with increasing specificity. The Profile provides a succinct picture of each student for teachers, counselors, parents, admissions officers, and even employers. The Profile is portable; accessible to all stakeholders if a student changes schools or after graduation.
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2. Implementation
DreamRoads provides a proven process for successful implementation by any organization. Based on our experience, we know what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve defined best practices and integrated them into a practical, comprehensive system that produces results.

We help implement DreamRoads quickly and effectively by providing assistance with:
- Initial Planning
Coaches (Recruiting, Training, Supervision, Evaluation)
Instructor(s) (DreamRoads provides; or provides Training, Supervision, Evaluation)
Case Management
Technology Support
Customer Service
Site Administration
Grant Writing
We’ll assign a Site Coordinator to work side-by-side with internal staff, providing expert assistance in a hands-on role in order to reduce the burden on them.
3. Data
DreamRoads collects both individual and macro data and provides this data along with analysis to each organization. Individual data helps teachers provide more personalized instruction and helps school counselors provide more effective post-secondary advice and planning. Macro data helps document impact, and provides guidance on ways to continuously improve the DreamRoads program to best suit the needs of each organization.